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Kharbranth is a city-state ruled by King Taravangian. It is known for its scholarship and especially for medicine. Their hospitals are world renowned. Kharbranth is also known for its library, the largest in the world. Known as the Palanaeum, entrance to the library is expensive and the funds go to the city’s hospitals.

Kharbranth is known as the City of Bells because of the many bells found throughout the city. It is protected from highstorms by its location in a south-west facing lait at the edge of the Frostlands. Because of this protection, the bells are said to be the only way to know that a storm is passing. People from many nations and walks of life can be found in Kharbranth. It is a multicultural city that welcomes visitors. Unlike other Vorin nations, Kharbranth does not allow human slavery.
Geopolitical, City-state


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