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Nations Near the Purelake

The nations that surround the Purelake used to be part of the Silver Kingdom of Sela Tales. These include Babatharnam, Tu Bayla, Yulay, and Marabethia.


Babatharnam’s capital of Panatham has an Oathgate and is ruled by the oldest living person in the nation, called the Most Ancient. For many generations the Monavakah Dynasty has ruled Babatharnam by killing anyone who might become old enough to challenge them.


The people are known for their great fondness for debate. At each intersection in the city they have small pedestals on which a man can stand and proclaim his arguments. It is said that everyone in Marabethia carries a pouch with an overripe fruit just in case they pass a proclaimer with whom they disagree… They have a curious way of treating condemned criminals. They dangle them over the seaside cliff near the city, down near the water at high tide, with a cut sliced in each cheek. There is a particular species of greatshell in the depths there… So the criminals, they become bait. A criminal may demand execution instead, but they say if you hang there for a week and are not eaten, then you can go free.

Yulay and Tu Bayla:

Nations of nomadic people. Little is known about their culture
Geopolitical, Settlement


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