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Parshendi is an Alethi word that roughly translates to 'parshmen who can think'. Unlike their docile cousins, the Parshendi are clever, accomplished warriors. They were first encountered by Dalinar as he explored the Shattered Plains along with his brother Gavilar.

The Parshendi, as observed by Alethi warriors, have black or white skin marbled with red and very muscular builds, especially in the legs, the strength of which allows them to leap the chasms of the Shattered Plains. They have orange-colored carapace-like armor which appears to grow organically on their bodies. Parshendi men wear black-and-red beards woven with small gemstones. They wear primitive clothing and carry their weapons on their backs.

Their language has many rhythms and melodies involved in it. Their words are almost sung and they emit a hum to their rhythm to communicate emotions. Different rhythms and melodies convey different emotions but no other race has yet managed to decipher their complicated form of communication.

The Parshendi learned to change their forms. They need a highstorm in order to change forms and such a change involves bonding with spren. The change can affect their appearance, physical abilities and mental faculties. Parshendi songs of the past spoke of hundreds of forms.
The Parshendi fight in groups of two, often one bearded and one non-bearded individual. Scholars have speculated that this is some form of apprenticeship that warriors must undergo, or perhaps a mark of hierarchy amongst the Parshendi, but a closer examination suggests that the non-bearded Parshendi are female, which makes it likely that the pairs are husband and wife.

The Parshendi sing chants in battle and for other important occasions. They always sing in time with each other no matter how far they are separated, whether or not they can hear each other, which suggests that the Parshendi can communicate telepathically.

The Parshendi used to be a bunch of different tribes, though they appear unified now. They are ruled by the Council of Five and their culture is based on an oral tradition of memorized songs passed down through the generations.
"Our gods were born splinters of a soul, Of one who seeks to take control, Destroys all lands that he beholds, with spite. They are his spren, his gift, his price. But the nightforms speak of future life, A challenged champion. A strife even he must requite."
  • From the Listener Song of Secrets, final stanza

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