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Shardplate is an ancient and magical, Stormlight-powered plate armour that offers great protection and massively enhances each wearer's strength, speed and dexterity. A person wearing Shardplate is referred to as a Shardbearer. There are no known methods of forging new Shardplate, and so the Plates - each having survived the thousands of years from their creation - are still a wonder and mystery even to the most advanced cultures. Each suit of Shardplate is now a major, and coveted, resource worth kingdoms.

Shardplate is forged from an unknown metal, and is composed of interlocking plates covering the wearer's entire body. Shardplate is heavy, often requiring assistance to don. Typically, attendants apply the armour from the feet up due to its weight. However, once on, the armor grants the wearer enhanced strength, enabling Shardbearers to easily bear the weight.

Shardplate protects its bearer far more than traditional, non-Plate armour. Swords glance off the armour with little more than a scratch, arrows are all but completely ineffective except when shot through the eyeslit of the helm, and the Plate can withstand many hits from hammers and maces before showing signs of damage. Under enough stress, segments of Shardplate can crack and even shatter. Shattered Shardplate presents problems to the wearer, as the shattered segment not only makes the wearer vulnerable in the area the Plate previously protected, but it can also slow the wearer's movements, since the strength of that part of the wearer's body is no longer enhanced by the armour. Destruction of the breastplate, especially, has been shown to severely impair the mobility of a Shardbearer.

Stormlight-infused gemstones are required to power Shardplate, and can even repair or regenerate damaged Plate. Shardplate appears able to regenerate from virtually any damage so long as enough time and Stormlight are available, even if only a fraction of the armor is retained. Stormlight is clearly visible in cracks of damaged Plate, leaking from the armour like wispy smoke. If damage or exertion manages to empty the gemstones of Stormlight, the armour's enhanced properties will fade away, potentially leaving the Shardbearer immobilized in a suit of Plate that his or her body can't shift unaided.
Item type


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