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Shinovar is protected by the Misted Mountains from highstorms and, as a result, its ecology is similar to Earth. It was given to the humans fleeing the destruction of Ashyn who brought with them plants and animals from the doomed planet. Eventually, humans left Shinovar and conquered the rest of Roshar.

The Shin people have round faces and no epicanthic folds. People in other nations think this makes them look like children. They have pale skin and use patronymic (and maybe matronymic) names. For example, Ali-daughter-Hasweth means Ali, the daughter of Hasweth. The Shin language is descended from the Dawnchant. The Shin have strict social structures based on occupation with farmers at the top, merchants and craftsmen in the middle, and warriors at the bottom. They believe that those who create should be exalted over those who destroy. Farmers are given the title “he who adds.” Warriors have stones that represent their voluntary subjugation into a state akin to slavery. Usually they are owned and traded by farmers and must obey the command of whoever holds their stone. A Truthless is below a warrior and must live like a warrior, but exiled from Shinovar. The Shin religion is called Stone Shamanism. Stone is sacred to them and not to be walked on. Szeth believes that when he dies his soul will be given to the stones. Somehow the Stone Shamans became the keepers of many of the Honorblades after Aharietiam. The Shin are humble people and like to undersell their goods when trading. Due to their reverence for stone, they often trade for soulcast metal so that they don’t need to break stone to quarry for it. Animals like horses and birds (all birds are called chickens by non-Shin Rosharans) are only native to Shinovar along with many fruits like grapes and strawberries.
Geopolitical, Country


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