The Purelake
The Purelake is a shallow inland lake that is somehow influenced by Cultivation. The water is warm, crystal clear, and usually about a foot or two deep. It is hot and humid in the Purelake other than when a highstorm blows past and the lake drains into holes in the ground. The storms are weaker this far west and don’t blow down exposed buildings. Some of the fish that live in the Purelake have magical properties and bond spren.
There are humans who are native to the Purelake and have long limbs, leathery skin, and dark hair. Purelakers have a distinct religion:
"Of course Nu Ralik was their god, but you always pretended that he wasn’t. Vun Makak—his younger, spiteful brother—had to be tricked into thinking you worshipped him, otherwise he’d get jealous."They are mostly fishermen, live in small villages, and speak Selay. They have a carefree attitude and don’t like to rush life. Most Purelakers enjoy exposure to the lake and have learned to navigate its rocky terrain. They build houses where the floor is flooded by the lake, though they prefer to sleep on rafts.