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The Veden people are typically associated with pale skin and violet eyes. Their language belongs to the Vorin family, and is close enough to that of Alethkar to be mutually intelligible for both sides. The Alethi are also close to Vedens in fashion.   The Veden are by and large Vorin, worshipping the Almighty and the Heralds. They appear to be more religious than average Vorins, with higher importance being placed on the trappings of the faith, such as the safehand and the strict division between masculine and feminine arts. In particular, they are noted to be highly respectful and reverent of the ardents, and extremely traditional in the particulars of the doctrine.   In Veden families, the sons have two-part names, with the latter part being their given name, while the former references their order or birth. The first four sons are called Nan, Tet, Asha and Van. Should one of the sons die or be disinherited, his younger brothers all move up a level; for example, Tet Balat becomes Nan Balat. The numerals are used mainly in formal context; siblings usually drop them when talking among themselves.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Shallan, Malise, Eylita, Jal, Malata

Masculine names

Wikim, Jushu, Helaran, Lin, Redin, Valam, Abrial, Boriar, Hanavanar

Family names

Davar, Tavinar, Gevelmar, Mala

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