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Fluffy Hobblefoot

Fluffy Hobblefoot

Fluffy, being the last born child of a very poor family, found himself raised at a monastery with every intention of becoming a monk there, living there for the rest of his years, and never bothering his family again. They could not afford to feed him, so why would he need to bother hanging around? Besides, being a monk looked kind of cool.   Regardless of reasoning, it soon became apparent that Fluffy didn’t have much going for him in the brain department and was likely best left to his own devices. When it came to physical training, he excelled. When it came to just about anything else…. He had always been rather fond of flowers, however, so he spent a lot of time in the gardens of the monastery and ended up learning a lot about flowers and various herbs. Flowers are something of a passion of his to this day and he will often weave flower crowns for himself and his friends.   Ah, yes, back to the monastery. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the monastery found itself burnt to the ground. For most anyone else, this would not have been an issue. For young Fluffy, this proved a travesty. Although most of the members of the monastery got out of the building, shrugged off their material losses, and went on their way to find other things to do, Fluffy, being something of an idiot, waited out the fire in the fountain in the garden, and then came to the conclusion that everyone else had died in the fire. He swore revenge on whomever had started this tragic series of events. Although most of the monks survived the fire and the fire was likely due to negligence more than anything, Fluffy is convinced that there was some nefarious plot against the monastery and that it is his job to avenge his fallen comrades, as he is clearly the last of his order.   Driven by grief, Fluffy set out on a new quest; to become a badass. Logic dictated that if he were to become a thief and assassin, he would easily be able to avenge his fellow monks. He spent many long years mastering the art of concealing himself. Turns out, this is actually something he is fairly adept at. His powers extend from being sneaky and stealing things to opening locks and even stabbing people in the back (quite literally). It turns out all the physical training he had gone through in his youth had paid off. Not only that, his skills were quite profitable. Soon enough, he was known as a renowned assassin and people would seek him out to commit murder for them. Committing murder was no problem for Fluffy, considering his tragic past, and he took all commissions quite happily for a time. He did get a bit cocky and started leaving flowers at the scene of the crime. A calling card, if you will. He became known as the Petal Assassin.   The Petal Assassin struck countless victims, but eventually the law came too close to discovering him. In a panic, Fluffy did the only thing he could think of. He returned to his birthplace. He returned to the Fey Wilds. Laws didn’t really apply in the Few Wilds, after all. At least, as far as he knew. Not to worry, though. It turns out an assassins skills are still needed. He still lives his life, happily breaking into places to steal things for money or killing other people’s enemies for money. He hopes to eventually find those who murdered his entire order, but until then he continues to be a professional badass.
Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fur <3


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