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Roly-Poly is a rather peculiar looking construct that is only seen when Mayday is nearby. The two of them care a lot about each other and are incredibly close with each other, although one of them can't actually speak. Roly-Poly has been by Mayday's side throughout all of his travels and he has experienced all of the same stuff Mayday has, but he's resilient and tough, so that he can protect his favorite person.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Look at this mechanical construct accompanying this prince in hiding. Look at how closely he follows Mayday. Look at how succintly he obeys Mayday. One would assume, based on all the other constructs out there and what is known about them, that the steel defender simply obeys his maker and has nothing to express except for 'Yes, Master' and 'No, Master'.   This is not true. Roly-Poly was allowed to develop a personality due to Mayday's encouragement, back in the early days of his creation. It is not outwardly obvious to spectators what Roly-Poly is actually like, since he follows Mayday and does not wander very far from him. Those who interact with him or see how he is with Mayday, or just how he behaves in general, will realize that he is not only a tough empty shell with a fun rolling up and unfurling trick, but that he does have some thoughts and individuality.

Virtues & Personality perks

The most obvious trait the construct has is that he is very friendly. He's also curious and wanders around sometimes, though never strays too far from Mayday. He enjoys being near people Mayday likes and chitters with them (and this is specifically likes; not just people Mayday is allied with), but he has no problem interacting with anybody who is allies with his creator. If Mayday has had any negative interactions with someone or if he does not like someone (or if he is fearful/wary of them), then Roly-Poly may accidentally betray this and snub the person his creator is not a fan of. This is much to Mayday's chagrin, but hopefully no one notices and puts two and two together.   Roly-Poly cheers for good things he or Mayday or any of Mayday's allies do, with several rapid chirps and a twirl (in rolled up form). He also likes when people touch him and he enjoys being helpful and receiving praise, which may or may not feul the tiny ego he has growing inside of himself (that Mayday is trying to tamp down).

Vices & Personality flaws

The flip side to Roly-Poly's personality is he... likes fighting. Monsters? YES! Let him go fight them!!! He knows that his creator does not like fighting and tries to avoid it, and he doesn't charge at any creature without Mayday's okay, but when he gets that okay? He sets off! It's not that he's bloodthirsty or anything, really. He enjoys the physicality of fighting against creatures and working together with Mayday is, honestly, one of his favorite things. Teamwork with his creator? Yes, please.   Roly-Poly also does very dumb things. His low intelligence is only saved by his creator being smart and making sure to keep him out of trouble. Not always is Mayday's watchful eye enough, however. There have been numerous times Roly-Poly has rolled right into trouble and did not realize until Mayday needed to get him out of it, like when he rolled into a stream and got stuck and needed Mayday to put him upright again and push him out of it. He's also unintentionally gotten Mayday involved in several fights with creatures that could have been completely avoided. He runs over or steps on peoples feet way too often and bumps into things if he's chittering with Mayday or focusing on something else that interests him. He has been distracted by an interesting butterfly before, and he will mostly like be again. It flits! It flaps! It flutters! WOW!!!!


He usually is very clean, thanks to Mayday's fastidious cleaning. Anytime after a fight or whenever he gets dirty, Mayday takes the time to wipe him down and repair any knicks he's acquired along the way. At the start of every new day, he's shiny and pristine! Too bad it doesn't last.


Contacts & Relations

((OOC Note: Roly-Poly literally can't speak and idk if he'll ever be able to? If an opportunity ever arrises where Mayday could give him a vocebox I might do it but idk if constructs even have the ability so speak??? These are just thoughts + feelings he has about Mayday and the allies Mayday has.))   Mayday - 'Kind.... caring... friend... not master, no, no, no, never master.... Fear? What fear? Will protect from scary fear. Must protect. From what fear? Protect C... Not, C not here, not here. Remember, Roly-Poly, not here. Mayday... Strange. Why call something else? Roly-Poly called Roly-Poly, continues. Roly, Roly, Poly, Po, Po, Po!'   Beef - 'Creature... Not black? Breathe acid, but orange? Big sharp thing good on many-legged skitterbugs. Strong, like Roly-Poly... Roly-Poly stronger... Tough creature. Fear?'   Naivara - 'Elf. Ears similar. Silent. Heal big orange one. Mean to C... Mayday. Some scary? Tough ears, but Roly-Poly more strong.'   Artemis - 'Ears, Elf, similar. Kill many skitterbugs. Strong. Gone? Where go? How come again? Mayday knows? Or no? Magic ears. Strange.'   Hazel - 'Not ears, not Elf, not orange, not skitterbug, not any weird. Human! Bad human. Fire web. Trap Mayday? No. Roly-Poly strong, help, free, bad human magic. Not good. Try one more?'

Family Ties

The Talae family are the only familial ties he could possibly have. It's been a while since he was able to see them.

Social Aptitude

Roly-Poly is actually quite a capable construct, even though he can't speak. He manages to get his point across through noises and gestures, and rolling around here or there.

Wealth & Financial state

He is a construct. He has no money. He has no use for wealth. His 'wealth' is in all the friends he makes and all the monster's he's fought.

A medium sized construct who is the loyal companion to Mayday Talae.

View Character Profile
Neutral, with hints of chaos, when allowed.
The Laralissi Kingdom's Castle.
Current Residence
Next to Mayday.
Technically genderless, but Mayday uses he/him when talking to or about him.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Whiirrr. Whir, whir!"
  • "Cheep cheep!! Chirrp!"
  • "SCREEE!!!!!!"
  • "Ka-dunk-"
  • "Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

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