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Sun Shine

Sun Shine (a.k.a. Sunny)

"Oh, was that a personal question? About me? Well, that's awful sweet that you want to get to know me better, but I'm afraid I can't answer that particular query at this current moment. It's spoilers, after all, sweetie~"

A snarky, arrogant, annoyingly charismatic and insanely flirty genasi who doesn’t seem to have any lines drawn… anywhere. Also known as the Hero or Savior of Caelfall, but don't call him a hero and he's not a savior.

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True Neutral
Ocean Blue
"Blond" with a blueish greenish tint.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Seafoam with various white foam-shaped patterns all over.


Dear Amren, I am writing this letter to you by the light of the moon. A stranger has agreed to share her interesting stories with me in exchange for one of my grand tales, so I can't be long. She's out getting something to eat so that she doesn't fall asleep during our conversation, which was weird of her to say. I think it'll take her several minutes to get food, so I do have some time to tell you how things went today. My day started interestingly. My reputation, again, preceded me, and Garrison Nighthawk, the Head of the City Watch, requested my help with some problem that they don't know how to solve. This was very early in the morning and I hadn't quite woken up yet, so I agreed to the request without thinking much of it. Which was definitely stupid of me to do, but you're not here to tell me if I should or should not accept things anymore, so if this request ends in my death, then you are to blame. I'm sure it won't end in my death, however, so worry not, love. Er... Not love. Best friend. Light of my life. The one who's heart I broke, and the one who broke my heart. I know we'll meet again one day, and I can only hope that you'll forgive me then... I have to remember to cross that off if I ever send this to you. Or maybe I'll just rewrite this... Well, that's a problem for a different time. I can't dwell on the past. I know better than to mourn what happened between us. But I do miss you and the others. Daily. Quite badly. I hope you're all doing okay. Every time I perform, I look into the crowd to see if I can see any of you, but I know you all don't want to be with me anymore so it's all pointless and ridiculous and I should move on but... (I'm definitely not sending this version. Bad writing, Sunny.) Later in the day, after one of my performances in this Smiling Satyr tavern, a strange man approached me and asked if I'd be interested in performing for his circus. I've always found circuses interesting so I agreed to it. I don't believe he asked for me to perform because he was amazed by my skillful playing, but I don't care if I was hired because of my appearance or not. As you know, it's served me quite well. People tend to tip better if they like how the performer looks. (I remember you always got so jealous. I miss you defending my honor.) The tavern I spent most of the day playing in was terribly empty. I thought that I'd be able to gather information about what has been happening in Thistleton, but my hopes were dashed. Instead of talking about the rotten vegetables in town or whispering about the strangeness around a village so close to them, several tavern goers instead talked about the circus. It wasn't useful information, so I chose to ignore all of it. The evening is where things took a rather unfortunate twist. I've met the Tinkertown Four, which are some supposed heroes that have been helping prevent the weird mechanical uprising. I've heard they also are the cause of it, and I'm inclined to believe that. They really are not like the heroic image people have painted of them. It was disappointing. Two of them were also quite gross, upon first meeting. One I'll refer to as Barf literally barfed into a plant next to him before I even said hello to them. He vomited... Into a pot... That held a plant.... MULTIPLE TIMES... Amren, it was revolting. I considered leaving right then and there. The other one had a rotten cabbage in his mouth and was consuming it like he was so happy. I think I'll refer to him as either Rot or Cabbage. I haven't decided what name to give him yet. Meeting them was appalling. Their manners are atrocious. I don't think I'll be able to get along with them. At least the elf, who seems to be their leader, was not completely revolting. There was also another strange looking elf but he was mostly quiet, so my opinion of him is basically nothing. I didn't see the metallic dog that the Tinkertown Four are rumored to travel with, but maybe it was out playing in the grass. Surely that dog would not have been so awful. I wonder if metal dogs like to play fetch. I requested their assistance with the Thistleton mystery to test their heroism. I don't believe the rumors that they saved Tinkertown, because they are, quite honestly, very unimpressive. There is nothing awe-inspiring about them and I think their heroic deeds have been exaggerated. I'm familiar with that, so I'm pretty sure I'm right. I have been stupidly lonely since our falling out, however, and it might be nice to be part of a party again... Maybe not this particular party, though. Well, they did tell me that the man who made my new contract was untrustworthy. Monty is his name. Apparently, according to these people, the circus has been kidnapping people... And doing other nefarious things? I haven't heard anything like this about the circus but I'll keep the warning in mind while I'm performing. I do hope that the man who requested my performance did not do so to try to kidnap me. I don't want to be kidnapped, really. I wouldn't have anyone to come rescue me. Oh, she's returned. Farewell, Amren. You aren't going to get this letter. I am going to soak it in water then tear it apart so that no one can ever read it, after I rewrite it. Actually, maybe I'll leave it tied around the handle of my shovel, in case I do go missing and you happen to find that out and go looking for me. In case that happens: Monty of the Zephyr Circus kidnapped me. Come help. I might or might not be dead. If I'm dead, then avenge me, please and thank you. I've loved you for so long and I still do, even after everything. I think you love me too, so don't let my death be in vain. I shouldn't have written that, but with any luck, you'll never read it so... Well, goodbye, my most favorite person, if you ever do read this. I love you in all ways that we talked about as children. I miss you desperately. I want to meet again and fix what's been broken. With love, from your favorite idiot, Sunny.   (Or more precisely, with love from your own personal sunshine.)


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