The action roll is the central mechanic of Rotted Capes. To make an action roll:
- Roll 2d10 (referred to as the “Action Dice”)
- Roll the appropriate attribute die and add it to the result of the action dice
- Add modifiers from Power Ranks, Skill Ranks, Advantages and/or Circumstances
- Compare the result to a Target Number
If the result meets or exceeds the target number, the roll was successful.
Plot Die can be used
Exploding Dice
Both attribute and plot dice can “explode.” This just means that when the maximum
value for that die is rolled, the die can be re-rolled and the two results are added together.
In Rotted Capes, there is no maximum result. This includes damage rolls.
Critical Success
If two “10” results are rolled on the action dice, a critical success has been rolled.
This result causes an automatic success. If the result would have been a success
anyway (without counting exploding dice), then addition benefits may occur.
Critical Failure
If two “1” results are rolled on the action dice, a critical failure has been rolled and
the action is an automatic failure.
Die Bumps and Penalties
Die bumps and penalties may be applied to any die roll. When applying a bump,
simply increment the size of the polyhedral die to the next highest value (e.g. from a
d4 to a d6). If the die is already at a d12 (the highest value in Rotted Capes), then
add a d4 to the roll. A die penalty reduces the size of the die by one step. If the die
is already a d4, subtract two from the final result.