Devil's Tooth's Shadow

Walk faster! We have to get there before sunset! If we can at least get into the teeth's shadow by dawn we'll have a chance.

The desert is clad with yardangs, natural shelters for the few people sedentary settlements and temporary respite for the nomad caravans. Among them, Devil's Tooth stands out as the greatest town, nearly a city, sitting on top of the tallest geological formation. While the Devil King enjoys a luxury life in his palace, his lost fang cast a long shadow, offering peace from the horrors in ambush in the sand.




The Sun is locked in its spot in the sky. During the few night hours, it merely disappears for a while and reappear right where he was at dawn. Thus, the ground in the permanent shadow of the yardang is always cold, to the point it hurts the naked feet used to the usual warmth. The freshness traps a lot of moisture, making it an ideal place to cultivate moss and mushrooms.




This may be the only area of the whole desert where the sand is devoid of shands, the terrible sand-dwelling predators. Maybe because of the cold sand or the darkness that blinds them, they never surface below the vast shadow. The bigger beasts have never been seen either, perhaps for the same reason.


The shadow is home to the rejects of Devil's Tooth, the outcasts who were dimmed unfit to live under the sun are now trapped in the darkness, unable to live for fear of what lives in the sand. Another settlement has bloomed in the dark, home to those who have none, traveller's relay and reputed cut-throat refuge.

Devil King
Character | Jul 12, 2024

The Devil King rules over Devil's Tooth. It is unclear if he really is of a demonic kind, but he has been around for longer than anyone else and is rumored to possess frightening powers. As a king, he claims that all that basks in the light is his, and ignores the happenstances in his own shadow. Even the rumors of a plot for his demise.

Cover image: Desert by Rumengol via MidJourney


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