Website Structure


Culture is a broad category. Subjects include: social status, arts, literature, music sports, entertainment, travel, customs, day-to-day living, languages, ethnicities, fashion.

Commerce includes: professions, markets, transactions, banking, trade, wealth, certification, currency, business.

Governance, divided between interstellar and stellar, includes: governments, treaties, laws, courts, law enforcement, warfare, titles.

History includes: historical events, timelines.

Daily Life includes: calendars, timekeeping, food & drink, architecture.

Need to determine where to put: diseases, medical, conditions, abilities, education, religion, architecture.

The general interstellar culture/society is referred to as Caelum Culture since it predominates the worlds of the Grand Society.



The Realms of Ruartei
  • (900) The Caelum
    • (990) Caelus, Political Center of the Grand Society
      • (990) Vecu, Capital Planet of The Caelum
      • (980) Opis, Cornucopia of The Caelum
      • (970) Sethlans, The Forge of The Caelum
      • (960) Bellona, Premier Military Center of The Caelum
      • (950) Portunus, Transit Center of Caelus
      • (940) Porta Portal, Communication Portal of Caelus
    • (980) Tellus, Technology Center of the Grand Society
      • (990) Tellurus, ?
      • (980) Rania, Astrogation Center of The Grand Society
      • (970) Bia, Exotic Fuel Supply of The Caelum
      • (940) Enodia Portal, Communication Portal of Tellus
    • (950) Nefertem, Commerical Center of the Grand Society
      • (990) Maut, Capital Planet of Nefertem
      • (980) Shahad, The Jewel of The Caelum
      • (970) Almatjar, The Market of the Grand Society
      • (960) Khonsu, Primary Shipping Center of the Grand Society
      • (950) Wusul Portal, Communication Portal of Nefertem
  • (800) Elder Worlds
    • (990) Sancus, Guarantor of Ruartei
    • (980) Nay'air, Progenitor of Imposing and Ominous Technology
  • (700) Central Worlds
    • (900) Metis, Knowledge Center of Ruartei
      • (990) Asvoria, Gatekeeper for the Grand Library
      • (980) Thetis, ?
      • (970) Ismene, Home of the Great Library
      • (960) Daira, ?
      • (950) Eldora Portal, Communication Portal of Metis
  • (600) Major Worlds
  • (500) Minor Worlds
    • (990) Dragon's Lair, ?
    • (900) Callistra, Stellar Nexus of the Lectra Sector
      • (990) Callisia, Preeminent Medical Services Center
      • (980) Arke Belt, Stellar Junction of Callistra
      • (970) Arke Station, Stellar Gateway of Callisia
      • (960) Arke Portal, Communication Portal of Callistra
  • (400) The Fringe


The Great Library
  • (990) Lifeforms, Species and Subspecies
    • Beings
    • Fauna
    • Flora
    • Arti-life
  • (940) Daily Life, Basics of Everyday Living
  • (920) Activities, Entertainment, Sports, and Leisure
  • (890) Cultures, Social Norms, Customs, Beliefs, and Behaviors
  • (880) History, History and Lore
  • (870) Interstellar Governance, Star Spanning Governments and Agreements
    • (890) Grand Society
    • (880) The Imperium
  • (860) Stellar Governance, Planetary and Local Governments
  • (800) Organizations, Activities, Businesses, Clans, and Religions
  • (790) Commerce
    • () Resources
  • (690) Technology, Science and Engineering
    • Communication
    • Space Transportation
    • Space Stations
  • (680) Phenomena


Families and Groups
  • (990) The Lyard Family, The Lyards of Callisia
  • (980) The nonaLivy Family, The nonaLivy
  • (200) Individuals, Individuals

Arcane Writings

Writings by The Astral Scholar and Others


Definitions, Terminology, and Proper Names


The Chaotic Scribblings of a Fussy Worldbuilder


Articles Without a Home

World Anvil Events

Official and Unofficial Challenges and Competitions

Author Secrets

(Private) Messy Notes, Spoilers, and Undecided


Cover image: Ruartei Section of the Galaxy by Tulonsae using MidjourneyAI


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