Festival of Faces Tradition / Ritual in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Festival of Faces

The Festival of Faces is a holiday and celebration in Rubrik. It is celebrated on the 13th day of the Month of Death.   It is closely associated with the supernatural and the Otherworld. During this festival, people dress up in elaborate masks and costumes that depict creatures from the supernatural world, such as Djinn, demons, devils, and gods.   Divination is practiced during the festival to seek guidance from the spirits of the Otherworld. Storytelling sessions are also held to share tales of the supernatural, adding to the festival's mystique.   Families and friends come together for feasts during the Festival of Faces, enjoying traditional dishes and drinks. The festival's culinary traditions often include special winter soups and baked goods.   Exchanging gifts and treats is customary during the festival. These may include masks, divination tools, artwork, sweets, trinkets, and even magical items, symbolizing the celebration of the Otherworld.
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