House Calarel Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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House Calarel

Humble Beginnings

  In the midst of the Era of Magick: 1430 AB - 1877 AB, House Calarel began as a band of wandering performers. They emerged as a shimmering star in the night sky of a world defined by rigid hierarchies and noble houses. Not initially regarded as a true political entity, House Calarel's story commenced with this spirited group of entertainers who roamed the realm, bringing joy and amusement to humble villages and bustling town squares. These wandering jesters, musicians, and acrobats were led by a charismatic and talented performer named Madame Helena Calarel, the matriarch of their itinerant troupe. Helena was a remarkable entertainer with a flair for innovation. Her performances transcended mere amusement; they became an art form that touched the hearts of those who witnessed them. With each jest, note, and somersault, the Calarel's left indelible impressions on their audiences. The Calarel's reputation grew, catching the attention of the nobility. Their unique blend of humor, music, and acrobatics, combined with Helena's masterful orchestration of festivities, earned them invitations to the courts of lords and ladies. Soon, they became the favored entertainers of the Emperor, Lambert Lysander, performing at grand feasts and royal celebrations. The Calarels' were invited to preform at Luther Lysander's nameday celebration. The Calarel's success was not merely a result of their talents, but also due to the matriarchal leadership style that Helena introduced. Women held central roles within the troupe, and as it evolved into a formal house, the tradition of Madame Calarel was established, signifying the authority of each woman who led the family. The preformance of Luther Lysander's nameday celebration was received so well, that Lambert himself offered Madame Calarel land on the outskirts of Ravenport. And there, Madame Calarel's Captivating Carnival was born.  

A Secret Deal

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Behind the façade of entertainment, House Calarel harbored a deeply hidden secret. Only the women who assumed the title of Madame Calarel were privy to this enigmatic belief system. Their devotion was to a mysterious otherworldly entity, and in exchange for power, they made the solemn pact that Human life must be sacrificed in service to their hidden patron.

Madam Calarel's Captivating Carnival

  Madam Calarel's Captivating Carnival was established in 16 EoT, about a year after Lambert Lysader granted the house land outside of Ravenport. It was met with an extremely warm reception as citizens both rich and poor, old and young could enjoy all tbe entertainment and marvels the carnival had to offer. WIP  

Calarel Productions


Entertainment's Enigmatic Embrace

Founding Date
15 EoT
Political, Family
Family Leader
Notable Members


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