Solarism Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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In this religion, Soltyr is revered as the radiant sun god and is primarily worshiped by Spreiling's closely affiliated with the Court of Radiance. Soltyr is believed to be the source of all life and warmth, and his rays are seen as a symbol of hope and prosperity. The sun god is often depicted as a mighty warrior, with golden hair and piercing blue eyes, riding across the sky on a chariot pulled by fiery horses.

Soltyr is believed to be a benevolent deity, offering his warmth and light to all who bask in his glow. However, he is also seen as a fierce protector, ready to defend his followers against the forces of darkness. Those who worship Soltyr are encouraged to lead virtuous lives, living in harmony with nature and upholding the values of courage, honor, and strength.   In this religion, Soltyr's temple is a place of great reverence and is typically located in a high, open location to allow the sun's rays to reach it. The temple is adorned with golden symbols of the sun, and offerings of fruit and grains are made to Soltyr to show gratitude and petition for his blessings. Soltyr's priests and priestesses are believed to have a special connection with the sun god and serve as mediators between him and his followers.   Solstice festivals are a major part of this religion, as they mark the longest and shortest days of the year and are seen as a time of renewal and growth. On these days, followers of Soltyr come together to offer sacrifices, hold feasts, and celebrate the return of the sun's warmth.   Overall, the worship of Soltyr is a central part of the lives of those who follow this religion, and the sun god is seen as a guiding force that brings light and prosperity to their world.

"Worship the sun, bring forth light."

Religious, Organised Religion


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