The Fated Scripture Prose in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Fated Scripture

1. "The Sword of Fate cuts through all, with swift and unerring might. There is no shield, no fortification, no defense that may protect you from its striking blow. Thus do we accept our fate, and embrace the path that lies ahead."
  2. "The thread of fate may seem tangled, but Aella's hand weaves a path that cannot be denied. For though the future may be uncertain, it is not without purpose. Fate may need not be redirected, but may be necessary for the greater good to unfold."
  3. "For Aella teaches us that the path of fate twists and turns, and what may seem like failure at first glance can lead to great success. Likewise, success can lead to a downfall, so be cautious of your steps and trust in the guidance of the goddess of fate."
  4. "Fate is a river, with currents that may be strong, but with effort and guidance, one may navigate it to their desired destination. Yet, heed caution, as the power of fate should not be underestimated or abused, for it may demand a price, be it large or small, in return."


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