Nanomagic particles
The most widely used material on the planet!
Material Characteristics
Nanomagic particles have been ubiquitous on the Ruggantu planet from the beginning.
Particles as small as a grain of dust, but they hide powerful power and many secrets.
Light blue lightly luminous "matter" forming waves of "dust".
Physical & Chemical Properties
It acts like flying dust, they can't be grasped directly.
Particles fly in the air and gravity doesn't work on them.
They are resistant to fire, water, wind and soil.
But can be "damaged" by spells and couse Nanomagic explosion.
Nanomagic particles are the "fuel" for Nanomagia, they serve Nanowizards to be able to
use their magic. At the same time, it serves as a defense of the entire planet.
It is part of all beings who have the Nanomage mark on their body with which they were born.
It is used in mechanics, medicine, construction, defense and attack ...
Geology & Geography
Practically all around and on the planet Ruggantu. Nanomagic particles form in The Core of the planet and reach the surface through holes and wells.
Every Nanomage is also a source of Nanomagical particles.
History & Usage
Legend has it that the omnipotent Serpentus created The Core that began to produce these particles.
They are present from the beginning. No one knows exactly how they are made in The Core.
They have been here for over 2000 years and still have not discovered the full potential and all the uses.
Everyday use
They are used for everything, without Nanomagic particles the planet would not be able to survive.
Particles feed machines, supply power, and are generally the most widely used material on the planet.
It has no odor.
It has no taste, cannot be consumed.
Light blue, sometimes dark blue, depends on the spell
Transparent in smaller quantities. A large number of particles form an opaque Nanoclouds.
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