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15th Session

General Summary

Last time on D&D: Our adventurers found themselves sailing to the Mid Isles to find the cure for the lycanthrope that the princess has, Belladonna. As they left Dawnwood, the weather went from a light rain to a monsoon. As they awoke the weather worsened and a bolt of lightning struck the boat and shit hit the fan. Fang climbed the mast and was able to reef the topsail, while Gab and Gorgoroth steered the boat to a correct position to receive a massive incoming wave. Cal put the fire out that was started from the lightning and then helped Omecron and CIley rescue members of the crew. As the wave hit, they were not able to hold the boat exactly where they needed it and the mast cracked and broke off. At the same time, Fang and Gab were knocked overboard and with some quick actions by Omecron they were able to bring them back aboard. Omecron then healed everyone that needed it and that is where we pick up tonight.
Report Date
17 Feb 2022

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