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16th/17th Session

General Summary

Last time on D&D: Our adventurers were able to make their way to Mid Isles even after losing the mast, by helping the crew man the oars. With their combined “strength,” they were able to not lose any time getting to the Mid Isles. After a few hours of searching, Gab found some Belladonna in a small clearing. As they approached, there was a rumble in the jungle and two giant trolls came bursting from the jungle. One a Rot Troll the other a Venom Troll. This being the 1st time a few of them got to try out their fancy new weapons, they were not disappointed. They were able to put the Rot Troll down fairly quickly and the Venom troll went down fairly quickly as well. However it kept regenerating and it wasn’t until Cal used some fire did the Venom troll disintegrate and finally not come back. They were able to get the Belladonna and make it back to the boat, where it was then decided that anyone who was bit should stay. So Ciley, Gorgoroth and Fang (to help them find Belladonna, if wanted) stayed back. And that is where we pick up tonight.
Report Date
17 Feb 2022

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