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18th Session

General Summary

Last time on D&D: The adventurers split up. One group went to bring the cure for the lycanthrope to the princess and the other stayed on Mid Isles to deal with their own lycanthrope. Cal, Gab and Omecron got the Belladonna to the princess and saved her. They then went and visited their newly built keep. They then came back and went back on the ship to the Mid Isles to get the other group. When they arrived they found Sir Ciley, who was carrying the corpes of Fang and Gorgoroth in the bag of holding. Fang had fallen in battle against a Swarm of Death Butterflies and a Moonbeam. Ciley and Gorgoroth went different directions so that way they were far apart when they transformed. Ciley was able to find some Belladonna and took it so he didn’t transform. Gorgoroth transformed and hunted Ciley down. In the hour before dawn, Gorgoroth caught up to Ciley, but Ciley was able to defeat Gorgoroth. Ciley then let Gorgoroth die. Once they got back to the boat they took the two bodies back to Craghaven and visited Vobras who was able to use the Raise Dead spell to bring back to life both of them. And that is where we pick up tonight.
Report Date
17 Feb 2022

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