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46th Session

General Summary

Last time on D&D. The Coalition made their way to Windermere and found some refugees in the Temple of the Waukeen and Gab and Gorgoroth were able to find some of The Nine in the refugees to take the soul of. There wasn’t any sign of The Blood of the Dragon, so they believe that they went to Bexley instead. Near the end of their preparations to travel to Bexley, Calabash Neroxious decided to look at his map and he saw that the Green Dragon was at Tua. As soon as they saw this they decided to go back to Tua to confront the Dragon. As they left their teleportation room, which isn’t capable of teleporating them anymore, the Green Dragon was waiting right outside the door. He introduced himself as Kimbatuul the most ancient Green Dragon and that he wants to work with the Coalition to have them get him an artifact from the Blood. The Coalition discussed and decided that they couldn’t trust him and were going to attack him instead of walking into what could possibly be a trap. As the group spread out in the room and Cal was talking with Kimbatuul, the Copper Dragonborn apparated above Kimbatuul and looked to be attacking him. And that is where we pick up tonight.
Report Date
07 Mar 2021

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