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47th Session

General Summary

Last time on D&D. The Coalition found themselves with a decision to make, go with the Ancient Green Dragon, Kimbatuul or kill him. Their decision was forced on them by the Copper Dragonborn who surprised attacked Kimbatuul. Causing the Ancient Green Dragon to lose his polymorphed form and blow a hole through the roof of Tua. After hitting Calabash Neroxious, Fang Duskfall and Gorgoroth with his poison breath he started leaving but seeing a lonely Gab on the roof decided he wanted the kill. It did not end well for Kimbatuul as Sir Dan with a Flying Carpet, Misty Step, Dragon Slayer Sword Combo decapitated him as he was trying to get away. With Kimbatuul lying dead on the floor of Tua, the Coalition now has to figure out where their people have gone without the possible help of the Green dragon. And that is where we pick up tonight.
Report Date
22 Feb 2021
Primary Location

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