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73rd Session

General Summary

Last time on D&D.  The Coalition after making their way to Solaris, decided to do some shopping.  Calabash Neroxious bought himself some potions and Alessandro Cragotin bought some gifts for Omecron  and Fang DuskfallEcho Ux Bahamuti made her way to a temple of Bahamut and talked with the priest there.  While in the potions shop, Cal got a request to go into an abandoned part of the mines and get Otyugh tentacles.  They made it there and realized that they forgot Kyo.  Echo teleported back and forth to pick her up and she was not happy about being left behind.  She slapped Calabash pretty hard.  They made their way into the mines and found the cave system that the shop keep described and entering in they found some swarms of rats that were easily defeated and then they started splitting up down to different openings in the caves.  Echo went south and Alessandro went north.  Alessandro found some writing on a wall that he did not understand and when yelling back to the rest of the group, he heard some commotion coming from behind him, were he saw 10 wererats coming in for the attack.  And that is where we pick up tonight.
Report Date
16 Mar 2021

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