Mount Kruss

A young volcano rises to the east of the Burning Mountains. At the beginning of the Fifth Era, Mount Kruss formed from a supernatural event called "The Shattering", a catacylsm that obliterated the Tookine Hills and the idyllic heen who made their homes there.    This active volcano churns, growing still in dramatic movements of lava and hissing rivers of cooling slag. Demons issue frequently from its throat, tearing down the slopes and across the Charnel Stair. An unprecedented series of battles has raged for over a decade between these demons and the armies and heroic hosts stationing at Bastion, at the eastern edge of the Burning Mountains. Militant recruits perpetually pour in from Rumoring and Shalemarch to replenish the fallen. Howing packs of barbarians from the Red Desert regularly reinforce these warriors, as do keenish defenders from Mieyinmaykhan. Clergy and druids tend to the wounded and attend to the dying and deceased. The plateaus and mountainous terrain west of Bastion are filled with cemeteries, cairns, and crypts. The sky over the Burning Mountains is perpetually blackened not only by the drifting ash issuing from Mount Kruss, but by the ceaseless pyres that consume the fallen faithful of Pallasia and the barbarians of the Red Desert.   Most people believe that one or more portals to the Abyss lays within the vent or inner chambers of Mount Kruss, and many refer to Mount Kruss as a "demonic volcano". Before its cataclysmic emergence at the beginning of the Fifth Era, accounts of demonic volcanoes from distant eras were received with doubt and skepticism, as many believed them to be tales exaggerated by time--legends. As the once-legendary has become undeniably real with the formation and violence of Mount Kruss, as well as the return of dragons and long-absent gods, the people of the continent of Vervaire must shift their beliefs and awaken to new perceptions of reality.


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Aug 21, 2024 05:42

One of the more unique regions in that the tumult is a demonic portal!