The Drift Geographic Location in Rune Drive Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Drift

The Drift is simultaneously one of the Pact Worlds' greatest mysteries and a fundamental aspect of the system’s economic and political structures. It keeps colonies and outposts in the far reaches of space connected to their former home system and fosters trade between the Pact Worlds and other civilizations, such as the Veskarium.   Upon ascending to godhood, Triune’s first action was to send out the Signal: a miraculous, galaxy-wide broadcast containing plans for a new type of starship engine, one capable of accessing a heretofore unknown plane of reality called the Drift. No one truly knows whether Triune discovered the Drift by peering into the metaphysical code underlying reality, as it claims, or created the plane by divine fiat.


Despite its strange appearance, the Drift isn’t very different from Material Plane space. The plane is mostly empty, airless, and sports no appreciable gravitational pull. The exception to this is what Drift explorers call “planar bubbles.” When a piece of another plane is torn away and added to the Drift, part of its essence expands the Drift’s planar fabric, yet the rest is added whole cloth, its terrain (and any creatures or items present at the moment of theft) set floating in the Drift’s expanse. The largest of these annexations are able to maintain localized regions in which their former planar properties remain dominant. As soon as anything is removed from these bubbles, it immediately loses these former planar qualities. Some scholars believe that over time these bubbles slowly break down, “digested” by the Drift, but if so, it’s an inexplicably random process.
Dimensional plane

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