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Amaunator (Am-a-na-tor)

The Cult of Amaunator places a great deal of importance on the rule of law and the importance of order.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Amaunator is most common throughout the Yhess Kingdoms and has little purchase throughout the rest of the Known World. The Cult of Amaunator thrives in societies with rigid hierarchies, and ones which have strong reverence for the sun.

Tenets of the Faith

The Cult of Amaunator places a great deal of importance on the rule of law and the importance of order. They teach that freedom, choice, and innate rights are nothing but fallacies, and that order is born in the hierarchy of kingdoms and the priesthood, and the everyday acts of keeping promises, honouring contracts, and the rule of law. They also believe that Amaunator has died and been reborn time and again, like the sun. The worship of Amaunator is often associated with farmers, travellers, generals, and others who pray for sun, as well as those who swear oaths and sign contracts under the light of the sun. The cult is also tied to the institution of slavery and the ruling elites that profit from it.


The temples to Amaunator are grand structures of marble and gold, and they often contain wealth such as gold, silver, and silk. They are among the grandest in all the known world, and they reflect the Cult's association with wealth and power.


The priests of Amaunator are often tied closely to ruling elites and the most lucrative businesses. They establish bureaucracies, and lawful order throughout the communities they are present in. They are viewed as stern and unforgiving in their doctrine, and they often witness contracts and signed agreements, stamping such documents with the sun-symbol of Amaunator to signify their validity.

Depictions of the Deity

Amaunator is depicted as a golden sun and is often associated with warmth and light. He is often depicted as a powerful and radiant being, and his symbol is a golden sun.


The Cult is often tied closely to ruling elites and the most lucrative businesses; as a result within the Yhess Kingdoms the cult has been tied to the institution of slavery and the masters that profit and suport it. This is perhaps the single largest inhibiting factor to the spread of the Cult beyond the Yhess Kingdoms.


The temples to Amaunator are among the grandest in all the known world, they stand as grand structures of marble and gold. Within the temples gold, silver, silk, and all manor of wealth are present within even the most common temple to Amaunator


The Ordained Order is a military and religious order who worship the deity Amaunator, also known as the Light of Law. They are firmly tied to the political order of the Yhess Kingdoms, and are deeply committed to maintaining law and order within the kingdom. They believe in the importance of hierarchy, bureaucracy, and lawful conduct, and work to instill these values in the communities they serve.
  Titles: The Keeper of the Eternal Sun, the Light of Law, the Yellow God   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil   Symbol: Golden sun   Domains: Flame, Life, Light, Order
Religious, Organised Religion

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