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Auril (Ar-ril)

The deity Auril is associated with the bitter cold and the harshness of winter.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Auril is only truly popular in the far south of the known world, where winter is bitter, cold, and can bring a freezing death. Auril was once considered one of the primary deities throughout the Kasari Dominion and Velgan Empire, before the Age of Blood brought about the ascendance of the Radiant Lady in the regions. The Cult of Auril does still have purchase in the lands where the bitter cold never truly leaves and winter is deathly harsh.

Tenets of the Faith

Most people do not worship, venerate, or make offerings to Auril out of love, they worship her out of fear as she is the harbinger of winter and freezing death upon the whole world. They make offerings, pray, and perform tasks to appease her. Sacrifices, including Human sacrifices, are also made to Auril   Sacrifices to Auril are commonplace, with livestock being ceremonially slaughtered and left to the bitter cold and that which scavages in it or are taken to the half mad priests of Auril; Human sacrifice are also known to be made, with even loved ones being ritualistically sacrificed in the worst winters.


Temples to Auril are rare and are only found in locations where the winters are particularly harsh. They tend to be dark and ominous, reflecting the cold and deathly nature of the goddess.


It is rare for one to identify as a follower of Auril, the few that do make their livelihood from the bitter cold or are a member of the priesthood. The priests of Auril are known to be violent, angry, and brash, much like the harsh winters they worship. They tend to be ostracised from society and live on the fringes of settlements or in the wilds. They warn others to prepare for winter and to stock extra provisions as offerings to the goddess.

Depictions of the Deity

Auril is depicted as a merciless goddess of cold and winter. She is often depicted as a woman with a cold and emotionless expression, dressed in white, with icicles and snowflakes surrounding her. She is depicted holding a sword or sceptre, symbolising her power over the cold and winter.


The Biting Chill is a religious order dedicated to the worship of Auril, the Frostmaiden. They are focused on preparing the lands and its inhabitants for the harsh winters, as well as protecting those who have pledged allegiance to Auril.   They work to stockpile and store food and supplies, to build sturdy shelters, and to teach survival skills to those in their care. They often act as advisors to local leaders, offering counsel on how to best prepare for the coming winter. They also act as protectors for their followers, using force to defend them from those who would harm them or steal their resources during the winter months.
  Titles: The Frostmaiden, Icedawn   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral    Symbol: Six-pointed snowflake   Domains: Nature, Tempest
Religious, Organised Religion

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