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Azuth (A-Zuth)

Azuth is a deity of magic, knowledge and wizardry. He is worshipped by scholars, wizards, and other practitioners of magic. Azuth is worshipped as part of the Octurn.

Where the Cult Thrives

Azuth is Worshipped within Thaxnoria as a part of the Octurn, and receives little worship elsewhere.

Tenets of the Faith

Azuth is worshipped as the deity of arcane magic, spellcasting, and wizards. Followers of Azuth believe that the acquisition and mastery of knowledge, particularly in the arcane arts, is the path to true power and enlightenment. They see spellcasting as a sacred and powerful tool that should be respected and used responsibly. The Cult of Azuth encourages the pursuit of knowledge and the study of magic, and many of its members are scholars, mages, and other individuals interested in the arcane arts.   Mages sometimes invoke Azuth as they scribe scrolls, inscribe magic circles, attempt to memorise spells, and even when they cast spells. Often this acknowledgment comes in the form of silently forming Azuth's holy symbol, pointing the index finger of the left hand to the sky. For some mages, the gesture is so commonplace in their lives that it becomes an unconscious habit.   Worship to Azuth has waned over the last two-hundred years since the end of the War of Rebellion, and while not officially outlawed, reverence towards Azuth is heavily stigmatised.


There are few temples to to Azuth, although those that do are typically grand, imposing structures that are designed to inspire awe and respect. They are often built from stone and adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that represent the arcane arts. Inside, there are often libraries and studies where followers can come to research and study magic. The temples also often have halls for ceremonies and rituals, and they may also have chambers for meditation and contemplation.


The priests of Azuth are typically scholars and spellcasters themselves, who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the mastery of magic. They are often highly educated and well-versed in the arcane arts, and they may also be powerful spellcasters. They tend to be serious and studious, and they often spend much of their time researching and studying magic. They are also seen as wise and respected figures in their communities, and they may offer guidance and advice to those seeking to learn magic or understand its secrets.

Depictions of the Deity

Azuth is often depicted as an old man with a long beard and a wise, knowing expression. He is often shown holding a staff or a book, which symbolise his knowledge and mastery of magic. He is also shown with symbols of the arcane arts, such as a pentagram or a star. In some depictions, he is also shown with a crown or other regal trappings, which symbolise his status as a powerful and respected deity.


Servants of the Blue Flame are dedicated to the practice of the arcane and discovery of information. The Servants of the Blue Flame strive to improve the image of mages in Thaxnoria and the wider world by promoting the responsible and ethical use of magic, and by actively opposing those who practise Forbidden Magic. They are known for maintaining secret libraries where they conduct their research and study. There are rumours that the group has a connection to the ruling family of Thaxnoria, House Gathral. The Servants of the Blue Flame are also strongly tied to the deity Azuth .
Titles: The High One, the Lord of Spellcraft, the First Magister   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, Neutral    Symbol: Left hand, wreathed in flame, pointing skyward   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge
Religious, Organised Religion

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