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Bahamut (Ba-ham-met)

(For Bahamut as he is worshipped within the Draconic Pantheon see Draconic Pantheon)   Bahamut is a deity primarily worshipped by the draconic races, such as Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, Kobolds, and Dragons, however, Bahamut has recently gained traction among other humanoid races, as the tenets of Bahamut, justice, nobility, protection, and honour, appeal to many.

Where the Cult Thrives

Within the Draconic Pantheon, Bahamut is worshipped as a member of the pantheon, but only in the Free States is he worshipped as a singular deity.

Tenets of the Faith

The followers of Bahamut believe in upholding the highest ideals of justice, nobility, protection, and honour. They are taught to be constantly vigilant against evil and to oppose it from all fronts, to protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order. The Cult has faced political danger on a number of occasions as a direct result of their belief in ‘Greater Justice’. Greater Justice within the Cult means fighting not only combating the objective evils of undead, but also cruel and tyrannical rulers. They believe in serving the greater good and dispensing mercy and justice in equal measure, being the shield of the innocent and the meek and the sword that slays the evils.   There is no commonly accepted creation story for Bahamut, and varies depending on race and region. The three most popular creation stories are as follows. The first is that Bahamut was a mortal Dragon of incredible power who through deeds, nobility, justice, and mercy ascended to the ranks of divinity. Second, Bahamut was created at the same moment as dragons and mortals to defend them from evils. Third, when The First, the deity of creation was split in two through his act of creation, two deities were formed from its sundered corpse, Bahamut and Tiamat.


Temples to Bahamut are typically grand and imposing structures, often adorned with symbols of dragons and other draconic imagery. They are often used as places of pilgrimage for followers of the cult and serve as bases for the religious orders.


Priests of Bahamut are typically noble and upstanding figures who are seen as supportive in the community. Within large cities the priests tend to be of wealthy stock and influential and in small villages they are the centre of communities.

Depictions of the Deity

The deity of Bahamut is typically depicted as a powerful Dragon or Dragonborn, with strong features and an imposing presence. He is often shown wielding a sword or other weapon, symbolising his role as a protector and defender of justice.


The Platinum Knights are the largest of the orders dedicated to Bahamut. The Platinum Knights were one of the many orders who joined the Order of the Dawn in the Age of Blood and valiantly fought to end the horrors of that Age. With the implosion of the Order of the Dawn the Platinum Knights restored the independence of their order and their Shining Citadel which serves as the home of their order, and a place of pilgrimage for the worshipers of Bahamut. The Platinum Order only accepts the finest warriors who are able to provide their own weapons and armour suitable for the order. Platinum Knight sully forth to dispatch evildoers and monstrosities, and willingly accept donations to maintain their duties. Those who wish to join the Platinum Knights must take the Good Oath which includes the following tenets: Honour the Greater Good Hand Out Mercy and Justice in Equal Measures Be The Shield of the Innocent and the Meek Be the Sword that slays the Evils The Silver Shields are unlike the Platinum Knights in many ways, however, their entire existence is a response to the Platinum Knights. The Silver Shields believe the Platinum Knights are the height of hubris and a perversion of the faith of Bahamut. The Silver Shields do not have any great castle to their name, they simply travel the roads seeking to right wrongs and restore justice to the world.
Titles: Draco Paladin, Justicemaker, The Platinum Dragon   Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good   Symbol: Dragon's head in profile   Domains: Life, Order, Twilight, War
Religious, Organised Religion

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