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Bane (Bay-n)

Bane, also known as the Black Hand, is a deity associated with the ruling classes, strong, and elite and the faith is centred around the belief that the strong have the right and duty to rule and subjugate the weak.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Bane can only said to be openly popular in the Yhess Kingdoms, however, the Cult has been known to appear throughout much of the known world.

Tenets of the Faith

Followers of Bane believe that the strong have both the right and duty to rule and subjugate the weak. They believe that those in power should use their strength to maintain and increase their power, and that a ruler who is no longer able to do so should be replaced by someone stronger. The Cult of Bane is popular among the ruling classes and those who seek to become them, and is often associated with ambition and control.   Bane and the various Cults of Bane have been vilified in many legends and tales, due to the association with beliefs most associate with evil. However, most who worship Bane do not not so out of malice; Bane represents ambition and control, and those who have the former but lack the latter pray to him to give them strength, or those who have both may pray to maintain them in cut throat societies. It is said that Bane favours those who exhibit drive and courage, and that he aids those who seek to become conquerors, carving kingdoms from the wilderness, and bringing order to the lawless. Throughout history, the Cult has been seen as saviours for their efforts in slaughtering raiders, throwing down corrupt rulers, or saving armies on the brink of defeat. But in just as many other places, the worship of Bane has created or supported cruel dictatorships, aided mercantile monopolies, or brought about the practice of slavery has previously not been common. Although the Cult of Bane and the deity can be contextualised to be a neutral force, it is true that a great deal of worshipers are ruthlessly ambitious and willing to commit acts of lesser and greater evil to obtain their ends. The Cult of Bane has committed great evil and does so regularly, as murder, duplicity, and other heinous acts are encouraged as a part of the core ethos of the faith. The Cult of Bane has been remarkably stable for a belief system based which incorporates all manner of murder and betrayal. This is perhaps because of the great emphasis based upon hierarchy and placing the strongest and most adept individuals in those positions. Prior to the Age of Blood the Cult was marred by sectarianism and violent disputes but since then the Cult has matured, solving internal disputes through debate as often as force. That being said, the Cult of Bane and its various followers are no less ruthless and obey a strict hierarchy extending the domination of the Cult’s most powerful worshipers over its weakest ones. The Cult of Bane is made up of worshippers of every station of life, the only common features, their ruthlessness and ambition.


Temples to Bane are often spartan in nature and are used primarily for the worship of the deity and the planning of the cult's activities. They may also be used for the torture and sacrifice of sentient beings.


Priests of Bane are ruthless, ambitious, and willing to commit acts of evil to obtain their ends. They have a strict hierarchy within the Cult, with the strongest and most adept individuals in positions of power. They celebrate no holidays in honor of their deity, instead showing their gratitude through service and the ritual torture and sacrifice of sentient beings. They are recognizable by the black-enamelled gauntlet worn on one fist.

Depictions of the Deity

Bane is depicted as the Lord of Darkness, the Master of Chains and the Black Hand, he is seen in dark robes with a face like a worn skull.
Titles: The Black Hand , the Lord of Darkness, Master of Chains   Alignment: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral    Symbol: Upright black right hand   Domains: Death, Order, Trickery, War
Religious, Organised Religion

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