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Bhaal (Ba-Hal)

Bhaal is the deity of death and murder, known as the Lord of Murder and the Red Smile.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Bhaal cannot be said to be truly popular anywhere in the known world, at least publically, as it is a cult of death and destruction.

Tenets of the Faith

The followers of Bhaal believe in the worship of death and murder. They see these acts as a form of worship to Bhaal, also known as the Lord of Murder. There are two groups of people who pray to Bhaal: the faithful and the opportunistic. The faithful are those who gain pleasure from the act of murder, and see it as an act of worship, while the opportunistic are those who pray, sacrifice, or make offerings to Bhaal when they wish for someone’s death or hope to increase the chance that their murder attempt will succeed. The Cult of Bhaal has few temples and none that are public or known to society as a whole. There are also few priests and formalised cults to Bhaal.


The cult of Bhaal has few temples, and none of them are public or known to society as a whole. Worship of Bhaal is often done at makeshift shrines or in secret, as the ethos of the cult is considered too vile for public acceptance.


There are few priests and formalised cults of Bhaal, as cults tend to devolve into an orgy of death as members turn on one another. Worship of Bhaal is often transactional, where an individual may erect a shrine to Bhaal to thank him for a successful murder. However, when a highly charismatic leader takes control, the cult can achieve some level of organisation and terrible greatness.

Depictions of the Deity

Bhaal is oft depicted as a gaunt skeletal figure in dark robes, and surrounded by a ring of bloody droplets.


The Lords of Murder are a criminal organisation made up of crazed cultists, violent murders, and those who enjoy making others suffer. They do so for their pleasure and to pay worship to the Lord of Murder, the deity Bhaal.
Titles: The Lord of Murder, The Red Smile   Alignment: Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, Neutral    Symbol: Skull surrounded by ring of bloody droplets   Domains: Death, War
Religious, Organised Religion

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