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Cornelius is a dashing young looking human, with black-brown hair, and similarly coloured well kempt beard and mustache. Cornelius wears elegant and gilded robes, and is scantily found without his staff and spellbook. He has burn scars upon his wrists from his time being imprisoned in the Underdungeons of Velfauna.   Cornelius is a well spoken and refined individual, with a sometimes condescending tone. Cornelius is a wizard, and a former mage of the Arcane Bastille in Velfauna, who has built up his own tower home and research facility, a sizable wealth, and a position as the Court Mage of Velfauna.  

Known History

  Cornelius and Ecthelion have a storied history together, with the two first meeting over two hundred years in 314:Contempt. The pair met within the Free State of Enarsel when Cornelius was a mage of the Arcane Bastille of Enarsel; where a small incursion of demons had taken hold. Together Cornelius and Ecthelion were able to vanquish the foul creatures and seal the portal to the Abyss before anymore fiends were able to enter into Runetalras. The two formed a strong friendship and the two have called on each other in times of need.   Since then Cornelius was transferred to the Arcane Basille of Velfauna, where he was able to make use of ample opportunities to serve the royal family of Velfauna and levage them to gain freedom from the Bastille. Over time with continued service to the Folean royal family King Thaydos Folean made Cornelius a royal advisor.  


  Cornelius was first encountered in the Free State of Velfauna when Blank and Ecthelion reached his tower. Cornelius asked for the assistance of Blank and Ecthelion in resolving a problem within the royal court, by putting a peaceful end to a rebellion which had arisen within the Restless Woods, in return for a wage and a spell scroll for Blank. Blank and Ecthelion were able to disarm the rebellion and capture its leader Navra and deliver her to court. Rather than resolving Cornelius’ and the court’s problems they were heightened, as it became clear that King Thaydos had fallen under the sway of Ragdak. Cornelius then asked for a further favour, as his contacts within the Velfauna Bastille had reported serious problems within the Bastille likely caused by Ragdak, requesting that Blank and Ecthelion investigate it for him while informing them that he had to meet with other court advisors to discuss a coup against the irrational King Thaydos. Blank and Ecthelion made their way through the Bastille making contact with Cornelius’ contact Gathrinal, and the Masters of the Arcane Schools, end rebellious Bright Swords, and disposed the First Archon who was plotting a coup with Ragdak.   Under the direction of Cornelius, Blank and Ecthelion attended the Harvest’s End Ball where they met Saeldiane the Spymistress, Peter Beaumont the King’s Coin, Ser Theo Gatekeeper, and Fiona Tansig Magi Council Advisor. The Ball resulted in a coup by Ragdak, who killed King Thaydos and framed the party for it; only through the divine magic of Ecthelion was the King saved from the cold grip of death. While Blank, Ecthelion, Navra, and King Thaydos escaped the King's Palace, Cornelius was captured and imprisoned within the Underdungeon of Velfauna. The party was only able to discover Cornelius’ location from the strange man called Sakrath von Feldorth Agrath. The party was able to free Cornelius who was then given medication by the party to cure his dimeritium poisoning, which allowed him to fight with Blank, Ecthelion, and Fornik in the Battle of the False King. since then Cornelius received the title of Velfauna Court Mage.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Court Mage of Velfauna
Year of Birth
262 291 Years old
Light blue
well kempt black hair, black beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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