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Fraternity of Stone

The Fraternity of Stone is a faction that emerged in the aftermath of the Free League Wars and the reconstruction of Tel'Bacy. It originated five years after the wars ended, in 446:Contempt, when various guilds involved in the rebuilding of Telbacy, such as stone masons, quarry workers, sanitation workers, and builders, were contracted by the Crown. They received an initial payment of 30 percent of the expected costs, with the remainder promised upon completion.   However, as construction progressed, costs soared beyond expectations, leading to an astronomical final bill. When the Crown assessed the amount owed in 532:Contempt, they made only small payments that were far from sufficient. The guilds, frustrated and realizing it would take centuries to be fully compensated, grew increasingly resentful.   Six months prior to the present time, the Regency Council abruptly halted payments to the guilds, which sparked riots. These riots were forcibly suppressed by the Crown. The survivors of the riots banded together to form the Fraternity of Stone, a faction dedicated to lobbying for the guilds' rightful payment. Their initial peaceful protests were met with resistance from the Council, who declared the Fraternity enemies of the Crown.   Since then, the Fraternity of Stone has taken on an outlaw status, resorting to more drastic measures to extract their due payment from Telbacy. They operate outside the boundaries of the law, seeking retribution and justice for the debts owed to them by the Crown. The Fraternity has become a thorn in the side of the Council, engaging in acts of civil disobedience, sabotage, and potentially even violence to further their cause.


The Stone Master - Karl

Karl is a large and rugged man, with stubble-like hair and hands marked by scars and calluses from years of physical labour. He wears a worn and cheap leather armour with a mason's hammer emblem carved into the chest, symbolising his dedication to the craft. As the leader of the Fraternity of Stone, Karl is the last remaining leader from the original guilds involved in the Telbacy reconstruction. Karl harbours a deep contempt for the Council, whom he holds responsible for the Crown's failure to pay the guilds their rightful dues. He speaks in a straightforward manner, devoid of flowery language, and is known for his practicality. Karl's primary goal is to secure the money owed to the guilds by extracting it from the Kingdom, but he remains mindful of minimising harm to the smallfolk and avoiding unnecessary conflict.

Jonhona - Raid Leader

Jonhona is a lanky man with short hair and a beard, clad in a thin leather jerkin with glimpses of his undergarments visible. He carries a shortsword at his side and a longbow slung across his back, showcasing his versatility in combat. Unlike Karl, Jonhona is not a talkative individual and prefers actions over words. Before joining the Fraternity, he was involved in banditry, and his experience in such activities serves him well in his role as a raid leader within the faction. Jonhona is responsible for training new recruits, imparting his knowledge of stealth, combat, and survival skills to ensure the Fraternity remains a capable and formidable force.

Percy - The Honourable Bandit

Percy is a man in his late 30s with dishevelled hair and a greying ginger beard, wearing an ill-fitting leather jerkin that speaks of his humble origins. Despite his rough appearance, Percy carries himself with a sense of honour and integrity. He earned his reputation as an honourable bandit before joining the Fraternity, adhering to a personal code that emphasised avoiding unnecessary harm to innocents. Percy brings a level-headed perspective to the faction, reminding his fellow members of the importance of maintaining a sense of morality and compassion, even in the face of adversity. While not a leader in the traditional sense, Percy's guidance and wisdom make him a respected figure within the Fraternity, particularly among those who value principles and ethics.
Illicit, Terrorist group

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