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The Cult of Helm believe he is a deity of vigilance, protection, and military might

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Helm has greatly bloomed since the War of Thaxnorian Expansion, ever since Vigilant One has fallen on fertile ground within the Free States.

Tenets of the Faith

Followers of Helm believe in vigilance and protection, they view the deity as honourable, keeping their word to a fault, and always being prepared for enemies. The Cult of Helm is strictly hierarchical and militaristic, with clergy trained in warfare. They believe that patience, clear thought, and careful planning will always defeat rushed actions. The followers of Helm are seen as inflexible and merciless.


Temples to Helm are large and function as garrisons and command centres for the cult's wide-reaching operations. They are typically heavily fortified and equipped for warfare. They are commonly found throughout the Free States, and are known for their militaristic nature and their role in the protection and defence of the faithful.


The priests of Helm are highly militaristic, they are trained to use various weapons and in the art of warfare. The followers of Helm are also highly militaristic, with clergy being trained to use various weapons and in the art of warfare. They are viewed with great reverence, even from outside the faithful, for its dedication to vigilance and protection. They are strict hierarchical in nature, in terms of its clergy and its off-shoot organisations. They are often seen as inflexible and merciless by others due to their adherence to strict codes of honour, clear thought and careful planning. They are ever vigilant and always prepared for the enemies that are always abound. They strive to be alert, clear-headed, and true to their word.

Depictions of the Deity

Depictions of Helm are ubiquitous, a huge well-built figure clad in thick plate male and a oversized greatsword watching on over the faithful.


Vigilant's Watch are a military and religious order who venerate the deity Helm. They maintain vigil on the city wall, castle battlements, and the dirt streets of villages. They are fine warriors who seek to protect people and civilization from monsters and destruction, leading with townguards and militias in their defences.
Titles: The Watcher, He of the Unsleeping Eyes, the Vigilant One   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good   Symbol: Staring eye on upright left gauntlet   Domains: Order, Twilight, War
Religious, Organised Religion

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