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Hoar (Whore)

Is worshipped as a harsh deity of vengeance and retribution

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Hoar is not openly worshipped anywhere in the known world, though its cultists are known to be active within the Free States, and is commonly worshipped by slaves seeking rebellion within the Yhess Kingdoms.

Tenets of the Faith

Followers of Hoar believe in seeking vengeance and retribution for wrongs done to them or others. They are typically people who have been deeply wronged or have a strong desire for revenge. They often invoke Hoar's name when seeking revenge, and believe that the permanence of their prayer to Hoar will increase the likelihood of it being fulfilled. Faithful of hoar are oft identified through the coin of hoar, where one side depicts the Doombringer of vengeance and the other the Poet of Justice of retribution.


Temples to Hoar are few and far between, as open worship of the deity is not accepted in many societies. Those that exist can often pass for another structure, such as tavern or social club, and are practical in nature.


Priests of Hoar are rare, as worship of the deity is stigmatised. They are often vigilantes or people on crusades of vengeance.

Depictions of the Deity

Hoar is often depicted as a man clad in plain cloth clothing lacking any armour, in one hand a scale and the other a greataxe.


Justice’s Wrath are a military religious order more akin to factions of vigilantes who worship the deity Hoar. they, often extralegally, exact their version of justice or revenge upon those they believe deserve it.
Titles: The Doombringer, Poet of Justice   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral   Symbol: A coin with a two-faced head   Domains: War
Religious, Organised Religion

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