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Hunter's Wrath

Hunter's Wrath is a dark place still at war with creatures monstrous, fiendish, and even fey. The City is small, in comparison to the capitals of other Free States, it is grim, dark, and under threat from the creatures that stalk the Fel Groves.   Hunter’s Wrath is a highly militaristic Free State, but unlike Tel’Bacy and Runia, the militarism is based upon individual and non-governmental groups. Wrathians believe that it is part of their duty to be trained in some means of arms or magic to defend their Free State against threats. Powerful organisations play a significant role in the Free State’s culture, economy, and defence, the Dark Rangers, Fellers, and Chain Hunters being the most prominent.

Lay of the Land

Hunter's Wrath is considered architecturally simple, most buildings are short, utilitarian, and constructed from thick deep-brown coloured logs with veins of dark green throughout known as Felwood felled from the Fel Groves, in the ever ongoing, and futile, effort to eradicate them. Few buildings are constructed from stone, as it is more difficult to obtain than Felwood, only the outer walls, and lower floors of the largest structures. Hunter’s Wrath has three encircling walls that surround it, a necessity for defending against the creatures of the Fel Forest, and orcs of the Rugged Pass.


Hunter’s Wrath was founded as Hunter’s Rest in the fading days of the Age of Conquest. Hunter’s Rest grew fast as trade flowed through Hunter’s Rest between Aran’Nack and the Bay of Basks. This prosperity was ended in the Age of Blood, trade ceased, the Falkners Grove became the Fel Grove, Monsters stalked the lands, and Thaldin the Ill Fated, King of Hunter’s Rest was killed. Thaldin the Ill Fated’s son Faerand the Stern remaned the Free State Hunter’s Wrath in his honour.
Large city

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