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Lathander (Lath-and-der)

Lathander is a deity of life island that for life to be meaningful it must be filled joys of freedom and nature.

Where the Cult Thrives

In recent years the Cult of the Morning Lord has made inroads into the Western Free States. The Cult of Lathander is an old faith and was common throughout lands of the Kasari Dominion and Velgan Empire in the Age of Conquest. While the Age of Blood put an end to much of the open worship of Lathander throughout those lands, the Cult still has some ties to the regions.

Tenets of the Faith

Lathander is a deity of life, renewal, and self-perfection. He is the god of the dawn, representing the start of a new day filled with potential. The Cult of Lathander is an old faith that was once common throughout lands of the Kasari Dominion and Velgan Empire in the Age of Conquest. Despite the decline in open worship during the Age of Blood, the cult still has ties to these regions and has recently gained followers in the Western Free States.   The cult teaches that Lathander is the deity of spring, birth, and renewal and that undead are an anathema to life. The faithful of Lathander embrace the founding of new communities and the growth of civilization, as long as that civilization gives everyone the potential to succeed. They despise the undead and see them as a corruption of the natural order.


Temples to Lathander are common in areas where the worship of the deity is strong. They are often creative spaces filled with art, craft, and music, and also serve as the centre of the community where people come together for weddings, civic projects, and other important events. They can also serve as a centre of defence for the town or village.


The priests of Lathander are often focused on the personal betterment of themselves and their followers. They also work to establish new communities and the growth of civilization, as long as it gives everyone the potential to succeed. They despise the undead, seeing them as both a corruption of the natural order and a disavowal of new beginnings.

Depictions of the Deity

Lathander is depicted as both the rising sun and a humanoid male with golden skin, a sunburst crown, rose gold armour, and armed with a sword.


The Rising Dawn are a militant religious order dedicated to the deity Lathander. They believe that undead are an anathema to life and their destruction is a holy act, and believe that inaction against the forces of death allows this evil to prosper. They are active in their efforts, sending agents to uncover and destroy evil.
Titles: The Morninglord, Inspiration's Dawn, the Rose-and-Gold God   Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Neutral Good   Symbol: Road traveling into a sunrise   Domains: Life, Light, Nature, Twilight, War
Religious, Organised Religion

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