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Leira (Lie-ra)

Leira is a deity of trickery, mischief, and deception, worship to her is oft stigmatised.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Leira is rarely openly worshipped because of its links thievery, however the deity is said to be worshiped secretly throughout the Kasari Dominion, Kingdom of Thaxnoria, and the Velgan Empire.

Tenets of the Faith

Leira is a deity of trickery, mischief, and deception, and is worshiped secretly throughout the Kasari Dominion, Kingdom of Thaxnoria, and the Velgan Empire. The followers of Leira believe that trickery and deception should be celebrated, and different sects have different interpretations of this belief. Some believe that trickery and deception should not harm others, while others believe that it doesn't matter if someone is harmed in the process. The Cult of Leira is often compared to a guild made up of illusionists, con artists, thieves, and rogues who gain tips and assist in each other's training. People pray to Leira and make offerings to the Cult when they hope to keep something secret or want to avoid being deceived.


Temples to Leira are typically hidden, underground, or disguised as something else, as the deity and her followers are associated with trickery, deception, and thievery. They are typically small and unassuming, with few adornments or decorations, and are often used as meeting places for members of the cult. Some temples have secret chambers or trap doors to conceal them from unwanted visitors. They are typically not open to the public, and access is granted only to members of the cult or those who have been vouched for by a member. They may also be used as training grounds for members to hone their skills in deception and thievery.


Her priests wear vestments of white and mist-gray, and their faces are covered by smooth, featureless masks. Temples to Leira are not open to the public and are often hidden or disguised as something else.

Depictions of the Deity

The deity is usually depicted as a feminine mysterious, shrouded figure, often with a hood or mask covering their face, and symbols of mist and deception are common throughout the temple.


The Shadowmist are a criminal and religious order, who pay worship to the Lady of Deception, the deity Leira. The Shadowmist function as spies and informations who seek to gather information, both to sell and please their Lady of Deception. They have also been known to assassinate their targets if necessary. The Shadowmist are made up of both good hearted individuals who act though less than legal means, and also cruel bastards wholly of self interest.
Titles: The Lady of the Mists, Mistshadow, the Lady of Deception   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil   Symbol: Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist   Domains: Trickery
Religious, Organised Religion

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