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Magic in Ruletalras

Magic is a sword without a hilt, it is dangerous for all parties. - from the Unburned Tome, the Teachings of the Radiant Lady

The Nature of Magic

There are many definitions of magic used by the scholarly and arcane minded, none of which are practical or understood by common people. There three key outlooks upon the nature of magic itself:   Magic is an art, an elite discipline requiring artistry and talent, and indeed very few possess the immense creative abilities needed to wield it. Those with magical talent can use it to create things of awe and beauty- wonders without which the world would certainly be a much more miserable place. Therefore, those who name magic a beautiful blessing, are in a sense correct.   Magic is science-that is, knowledge which can only be acquired through extensive study, discipline, and hard work. In this view, magic is progress. It is a process of constant advancement which brings development, eliminates the ailments of this world, provides answers to the questions that plague mortals, broadens minds, and introduces innovation. It is therefore also correct to say that magic is its own particular science.   Magic has also been called chaos incarnate: a primal, dangerous force, merciless and destructive. In the hands of the unwary it becomes a key that can open the forbidden door, behind which lies ruin and destruction. Therefore, those who say that magic is a curse that will doom this world are also correct.   In truth magic is all three, it is an art, science, and chaos, capable of bringing about otherworldly beauty, progress for all races, and perhaps the destruction of all of Runetalras; magic is a blessing and a curse.  

Origins of Magic

Magic is beautiful, powerful, and a dangerous force of nature, which inspires awe, fear and hatred throughout the world. Magic is as old as Runetalras itself as the histories of even the old races of the world reference the arcane forces.   It is known that magic is drawn to Runetalras from the Plane of Existence known as the Weave. When a creature casts a spell or uses a magical item they manipulate the Weave drawing it close to the Prime Material Plane, this alters the natural laws allowing for the use of spells and spell-like effects. It is not fully understood how divine magic functions, if one draws power straight from a deity, if a deity bridges the gap to the Weave, or if a divine spellcaster draws their magic from Weave like any other form of spellcaster.  

Classes and Spellcraft

The exact process through which a creature draws power from the Weave differs; some like wizards, artificers, hexers and even some fighters and rogues are able to do so through study, dedication, and the repetition of incantments and body movements. Sorcerers, druids, and rangers can draw power though an innate connection to the Weave which can manifest at unexpected times oft in violent or dangerous ways. Bards and paladins are able to draw their power from the Weave through their force of will which are strong to bridge a connection to the Weave. Warlocks and clerics possess a strange and misunderstood relationship with the Weave, it is not fully understood if they draw powers from incomprehensibly strong forces like deities and patrons, from the Weave, or both.  

Schools of Magic

Magic has been broken down into eight categories, however, these categories are not fundamental and serve only to group similar types of spells together. Many spellcasters, and specifically wizards, oft specialise in a single school of magic although this does not prevent them from using or even excelling at spells from a different school of magic.   The eight schools of magic are:   Abjuration: This school is focused on protective spells, as well as spells which cancel or interfere with other spells, magical effects or supernatural abilities.   Conjuration: This school is focused on instantaneous transportation, conjuring manifestations of creatures, energy or objects, and object creation.   Divination: This school is focused on acquiring and revealing information.   Enchantment: This school is focused on affecting "the minds of others" including "influencing or controlling their behaviour".   Evocation: This school focuses upon creating matter and energy typically with destructive effects.   Illusion: this school focuses upon changing the appearance of something or creating a sound, smell, or image where one does not exist.   Necromancy: Necromancy spells involve death, undeath, and the manipulation of life energy.   Transmutation: This school focuses on the ability to change matter.  

Views on Magic.

Generally speaking the views on magic of the inhabitants of Runetalras are based upon the nation or region that said person is from. However, as a general rule the view of magic is far from positive; this is the result of the Age of Blood and more recently the Crystalline Convergence and Arcane Tempests all of which have left deep physiological scars upon the peoples of the world, resulting in massacres, pogroms, distrust, and violence towards spellcasters. There are however Kingdoms and regions that view magic more positively but they are the minority.

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