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Malar (Mal-Are)

Malar, also known as the Beastlord, is a deity of the hunt, beasts, and the dark side of nature. He is often associated with savagery, bloodlust, and cruelty.  

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Malar cannot be said to be popular anywhere in the known world, however, the Cult of the Black-Blooded One has been found surrounding the Elnurian Forest, the Wild Isles, and Hunter’s Wrath, where the cruel side of nature is most apparent.

Tenets of the Faith

The Cult of Malar and indeed its deity epitomises the dark side of nature, and all of the cruelty that the mortal races perceive within it. The Cult believe the hunt is the centre point between life and death-the facing off of hunter and prey, forcing the issue of who lives and who dies. The Cult is without mercy, believing that might is right, and believe that those who do not have the power to fend off the dark creatures of the world, should die for their weakness. The Cult is primarily made of dark, foul druids and rangers of the world, who don't shy from bloodshed, and savour the fear of their prey.   Many stories exist that attribute the creation of lycanthropes and other intelligent hunters and as such view the deity as their divine father. As a result of this link a number of lycanthropes have been known to join the Cult of Malar or otherwise work with them.   Those who fear the dark creatures of the world also pay reverence and tribute to Malar in the hope that vicious creatures will pass over them for other prey.


There are few priests to the Beast, instead the most devout tend to live in remote locations apart from civilization. They oft use claw bracers, as ceremonial weapons.


The Cult tends not to have true temples, instead choosing to worship in glades and deep groves where the true majesty of nature can be embraced.They few temples that do exist are bloodsoaked grounds far from most civilization.

Depictions of the Deity

The deity is often depicted as a humanoid version of a fierce and powerful predator, such as a wolf or bear, covered in blood or other gore.


The Bloody Hunt can only be said to be a loose faction of crazed and violent madmen who worship the deity Malar . They oft seek to gain the curse of lycanthropy to honour their deity and assist in their bloodlust.
Titles: The Beastlord, the Black-Blooded One   Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral   Symbol: Clawed paw   Domains: Death, Nature
Religious, Organised Religion

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