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Milil (Mill-ie)

The Cult of Milil is a relatively small but dedicated group of followers who worship the deity of joy and music.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Milil is only truly favoured within the Wild Isles.

Tenets of the Faith

The Cult of Milil is one of joy and pleasure. The Cult believe that music, stories, and enjoyment are essential to a meaningful life and that spreading these things brings happiness to others. The cult is primarily made up of bards, singers, troubadours, clan teachers, and historians, who use their talents to bring joy and entertainment to the people of the Wild Isles, where the cult is most prevalent.   The Cult of Milil is known for its emphasis on the importance of preserving and passing down the oral traditions and stories of the Wild Isles. They believe that these stories and songs are an important part of the cultural heritage of the Wild Isles and that they must be protected and passed down to future generations. The cult also encourages the creation of new songs and stories, believing that the arts should be constantly evolving and growing.   The followers of Milil are seen as light-hearted and jovial people who bring joy and entertainment to the lives of others. They are also known for their strong sense of community and their willingness to help others. The cult is popular among people of all ages and backgrounds, and it is not uncommon to see people of all ages and backgrounds participating in the cult's performances and celebrations.


Those who join the Cult are a diverse group of historians, clan teachers, singers, troubadours, and bards.


The Cult does not maintain large temples, instead choosing to roam the Wild Isles or serving their local communities. Small shrines exist to the Lord of Songs, but more often Milil is worshipped through acts.

Depictions of the Deity

The Lord of Song is typically depicted as a feminine humanoid holding a five-stringed harp made of leaves, symbolising the joy and music associated with Milil's worship.


The Harpers, also known as the "Heralds of Milil," are a loosely organised group of bards, troubadours, singers, and adventurers who worship the deity Milil, the Lord of Songs. They are dedicated to spreading music and storytelling throughout Runetalras, and believe that music and tales have the power to bring joy and inspiration to people's lives. Many Harpers are also skilled in various forms of performance, such as singing, dancing, and acting, and use these skills to entertain and inspire others.   The Harpers believe that the greatest stories and songs come from those who have lived them, and as such many of them take up adventuring, or at least travel with adventurers, in order to chronicle their deeds and experiences. This has led to many Harpers becoming accomplished adventurers and fighters, as they need to be able to protect themselves and their companions while out on the road.   The Harpers also have a strong tradition of preserving and passing down the stories, songs, and knowledge of the past. They believe that it is their duty to ensure that the greatest tales of Runetalras are not lost to future generations. They also view it as their responsibility to use their talents to inspire and uplift others, to bring hope and light to those in need.   The Harpers have no central organisation or hierarchy, and membership is open to anyone who shares their values and passion for music and storytelling. They often gather at inns, taverns, and other places of entertainment to share stories and songs, and to plan their next adventures.
Titles: The Lord of Song, Guardian of Troubadours   Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral   Symbol: Five-stringed harp made of leaves   Domains: Knowledge, Life, Trickery
Religious, Organised Religion

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