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Oghma (Og-Ma)

Where the Cult Thrives Oghma is primarily worshipped within Thaxnoria as a part of the Octurn.

Tenets of the Faith

The followers of Oghma, believe in the power of knowledge and the pursuit of understanding and wisdom. They believe that through the acquisition and sharing of knowledge, one can better oneself and the world around them. Oghma is seen as the patron of bards, scholars, and sages, and his followers often strive to become experts in their chosen field. They also place a strong emphasis on the power of language and the written word, viewing the ability to read and write as a sacred gift from Oghma. The faithful of Oghma also believe in the importance of preserving knowledge and history, and many work to document and preserve the past for future generations.


Temples to Oghma are often libraries and centres of learning, with vast collections of books and other knowledge-containing artefacts. They also include workshops for inventors and areas for public lectures and discussions.


Priests of Oghma are typically scholars, librarians, and sages who value the pursuit of knowledge above all else. They may also include inventors, scribes, and bards who use their talents to spread knowledge and inspire others.

Depictions of the Deity

Oghma is depicted as a wise, bearded man holding a scroll or book, symbolising his role as the patron of knowledge and scholarship. He is also sometimes depicted as holding a quill or pen, representing his role in inspiring creative expression and invention.
Titles: The Binder, the Lord of Knowledge   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Neutral   Symbol: A blank scroll   Domains: Knowledge
Religious, Organised Religion

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