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Raven Queen

The Raven Queen is worshipped as a deity of death and the end of life.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Raven Queen, as a result of her nature as a deity of death, cannot be said to be a truly popular deity, however, her followers can be found throughout the Free States.

Tenets of the Faith

The faithful of the Raven Queen believe that death is a natural and necessary part of life, and that it should be embraced rather than feared. They see the Raven Queen as a deity of death, endings, knowledge, and memories. They believe that the knowledge that the dying possess should be recorded and passed on to better serve those who remain. They also believe that the Raven Queen is a deity of memories and that she captures moments in time and archives them.   The followers of the Raven Queen also believe that the cult should assist in completing funeral rights, interning the dead, and performing necessary duties that oft leave the Cult shunned for their heavy connection with death. They also consider their cult to act in opposition to the forces of death and undeath, those who through malice bring about early death and those who abuse the bodies and souls of the dead.   They believe that death is a natural end, it comes for all men, it must come for all men, the Cult aids in the passing of life but does not pity the dying regardless of their pain for death is inevitable. They also serve as archivists for varying forms of knowledge, although this is typically secondary to the service of the dead.


Temples of the Raven Queen are typically sombre and respectful places, designed to honour the dead and help the living come to terms with death. They may include areas for funerary rites, internment of the dead, and archive storage for knowledge and memories.


The priests of the Raven Queen are typically known as morticians, interners, and gravekeepers. They assist in completing funeral rites and interning the dead, and help the dying to pass on. They are not known to pity the dying, as they believe death is inevitable. They also serve as archivists for various forms of knowledge.

Depictions of the Deity

The Raven Queen is most commonly depicted as a feminine figure, beautiful but deathly white in colouration, and with an expressionless face.


Raven’s Sight are a faction dedicated to the deity the Raven Queen and pursue its interests. The Raven’s Sight are made up of warriors, spellcasters, and those adept at gathering information; they seek to purge necromancers, undead, and those who seek to abuse the natural cycle of life and death
Titles: The Searching one, the Black Mistress, the Matron of Ravens   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Lawful Good   Symbol: Raven's head in profile, facing left   Domains: Death, Grave
Religious, Organised Religion

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