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Ruined Pyramid of Tasidor

The Ruined Pyramid of Tasidor is a mysterious and ancient structure located on the Isle of Tasidor, deep within a primordial forest. The Pyramid is 450 feet tall and constructed of a strange, fused black stone that appears to be impervious to physical and magical damage. However, a large hole has been blown out of the side of the Pyramid, leaving debris scattered as far as a mile away from the structure. The interior of the structure has several floors with stairs leading to them, based upon the size of the stairs it is judged that whoever created it was approximately the same size as the common humanoid races. There do not seem to be any original rooms to the Pyramid, with all interior walls being made of conventional stone at a much later date.   The origins and purpose of the Pyramid are a subject of much debate and speculation. The earliest records of the Pyramid are found within the Repository of Stone, dating back to the Age of the Elder Races, but even then it was already in ruins. The gnomish oral tradition claims that the Pyramid was constructed by the Deeps of the Oceans themselves, but it was destroyed by the Dark Skies. However, the meaning of this is unclear, and many believe it to be just a fanciful tale.   Many theories have been proposed to explain the Pyramid's construction and destruction. Some believe that it was built by a powerful and advanced civilization that predates recorded history. Others think it may have been the work of powerful magic or a long-lost technology. Still, others believe that it may have been a site of ancient rituals or sacrifices, and that the hole in the Pyramid was caused by a catastrophic event related to these practices.   Despite the many unanswered questions surrounding the Pyramid, it remains an important and intriguing site for scholars, adventurers, and researchers. The Pyramid's strange stone, and lack of obvious means of construction make it a site of great interest to those studying ancient architecture, magic, and technology. Many expeditions have been launched to explore the Pyramid, however, all meet with failure; some expeditions have wholly disappeared, others have experienced strange and unexplainable events that lead to their failure, and still further have resulted in death and corpses washing up at the nearby village Crowchill.
Prior to the Age of the Elder Races
Founding Date

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