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Savrus (Sav-Russ)

The Cult of Savrus is a small but dedicated group of individuals who believe in the responsible use of magic and the preservation of the natural order.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Savrus are more prevalent in the Wild Isles but followers can be found in remote and isolated locations throughout Runetalras.

Tenets of the Faith

The followers of Savrus are primarily druids and those who can cast magic, although there are also members of the Cult who simply choose the druidic lifestyle.Savrus is worshipped as a deity of magic and druidism. The Ancient One is said to have taught the first druid his ways and cultivated sustainable magic amongst the people of the world. The Cult of the Ancient One believe that magic must be used responsibly and that it should not be used for one’s own advantage; they instead believe that mages and druids should act merely to provide information and work to preserve the natural order. It is considered a great sin for one skilled or blessed with magic to use it to gain wealth or political power.


The Priests of Savrus can be said to me more akin to druids than priests of other deities. They oft clad themselves in natural coloured robes, carry staffs, and do not tend to wear shoes to better connect with Runetalras. They are commonly found travelling throughout the world preaching and petitioning for sustainable approaches.


There are no true temples to the Ancient One, as they are antithetical to the belief that people should live in harmony with the world. Instead groves and clearing are dedicated to the deity, where the like minded may form council.

Depictions of the Deity

The Ancient One is rarely depicted, but in the rare instances that a depiction does exist it is of a humanoid in a dark green hooded robe, all features covered, and two antlers protruding out of tears in the hood.


The Ancient Orderis a group of druids and other individuals who believe in the preservation of the natural order and are deeply associated with the deity Savrus. They see themselves as the protectors of the natural world and work to disrupt the actions of those who would harm the environment and the creatures that inhabit it.   The Ancient Order is a loosely organised group, and its members are spread throughout the Wild Isles, where they keep a watchful eye on the actions of settlers, loggers, miners, and other groups that may be harming the environment. They often work in secret, using their druidic magic to disrupt the activities of those they see as a threat to the natural order. They also work to educate people about the importance of preserving the environment and the consequences of not doing so.   The Ancient Order is a secretive group, and their membership is not open to just anyone. They are selective about who they allow to join, and potential members must be able to prove their commitment to the preservation of the natural order before they are accepted. The Ancient Order also maintains close ties with other druidic circles and orders.
Titles: The Ancient One, the First Druid, the World Root   Alignment: Neutral, Chaotic Neutral   Symbol: A druidic knot   Domains: Arcana, Nature
Religious, Organised Religion

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