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Silvanus (Sil-van-nus)

Silvanus is a deity of nature and the natural order.

Where the Cult Thrives

Silvanus is worshipped throughout the Wild Isles and has some following within the Free States.

Tenets of the Faith

The followers of Silvanus, also known as the Druids of the Wild Oak, believe in venerating the natural world and the deity Silvanus, who is considered a deity of nature and the natural order. They believe that it is their duty to ease the tensions between the wilds and civilization, and to seek out and address threats to the natural order. They view Silvanus as a kind deity who blesses their crops, and keeps the wild beasts at bay in the more pleasant or forgiving climates. But in harsh environments, dark forests, and where dangerous creatures prowl, Silvanus is seen as a grim and severe mother who cares for nature not individuals. The priests of the Cult of Silvanus are akin to druids and often form groves in the wilderness, as their teachings seem to drive most away. They strive to understand the totality of events and their long-term consequences, and to choose the lesser evil in the long term.


Priests of Silvanus are more akin to druids than most priests. They are often driven to forming groves in the wilderness and strive to understand the long term consequences of events.


Temples of Silvanus are often found in groves in the wilderness, they are constructed to prevent as much invasion into the natural world as possible.

Depictions of the Deity

Silvanus is often depicted as an old Oak tree or as a druidic figure with an Oak leaf symbol.


The Druids of the Wild Oak believe that the natural world should be protected and preserved for future generations. They see themselves as stewards of the land, working to ensure that the delicate balance between civilization and the wilds is maintained. They view the destruction of habitats, pollution of rivers and deforestation as unacceptable and work to prevent these negative impacts on the environment.   As a part of their beliefs, the Druids of the Wild Oak often take on roles as mediators between communities and the wilds. They may work to peacefully relocate dangerous creatures that threaten a village, or negotiate with logging companies to ensure that they are not clear-cutting entire forests. The Druids also actively seek out and combat threats to the natural order, whether it be poachers hunting endangered species or illegal logging operations.   The Druids of the Wild Oak are not exclusively made up of druids, as the name suggests. The organisation is composed of individuals from various backgrounds, such as rangers, environmentalists, and naturalists, who share a common goal of protecting and preserving the natural world. They may or may not worship the deity Silvanus, but they all respect and venerate the natural world.
Titles: Oak Mother, the Old Oak, the Mother Tree   Alignment: Neutral, Chaotic Neutral,    Symbol: Oak leaf   Domains: Nature
Religious, Organised Religion

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