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Talona (Tal-own-a)

The Cult of Talona is associated with death, disease, and poison, and is often blamed for natural disasters and illnesses.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Talona is particularly popular within the Wild Isles, although sparse worship occurs outside of the Isles.

Tenets of the Faith

The followers of Talona believe that she is responsible for common illnesses, crop failures, famines, and plagues. Many worship Talona out of fear, hoping that her plagues and diseases will pass them over.   The Cult of the Plague Crone and her priests are rare, as few choose to serve a deity so connected to death and pestilence, and are often outcasts from society. There are two types of followers who worship the Plague Crone, those who seek to understand disease and those who delight in spreading it.


The priests of the Cult of the Plague Crone are rare and often outcasts from society. They are comprised of scholars, shamans, druids, and those who delight in spreading disease and poison.


There are few temples dedicated to the Plague Crone, and those that exist are only erected when plague haunts the lands. More often shrines are created in secret places to receive blessings for foul acts they will commit or in hidden groves in ancient woods.

Depictions of the Deity

Talona is oft depicted as a withered crone with a cup or a vase that holds all the varieties of disease and poison, although there has been a recent trend amongst the more scholarly to re-interpret her as a young maiden.


The Masters of Plague are a dangerous and sinister group, whose practices are widely considered to be morally reprehensible. They are known to conduct twisted experiments and rituals in their quest to develop more potent plagues and poisons. They often use unwilling victims as test subjects, and have been known to spread diseases and toxins in communities to observe the effects. They are considered to be outcasts and pariahs by most civilised societies, and are hunted down by authorities and other groups who seek to stop their atrocities.   The Masters of Plague are deeply connected to the deity Talona, and believe that by serving her and spreading death and disease, they are fulfilling a higher purpose.
Titles: Lady of Poison, Mistress of Disease, the Plague Crone   Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral    Symbol: Three teardrops in a triangle   Domains: Death
Religious, Organised Religion

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