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Talos' Anvil

The sky darkness, black clouds churn unnaturally as bolts of purple lightning crash into an anvil shaped fortress atop a small hill. Talos’ Anvil itself is constructed of a smooth black stone which no signs of masonry work to it. The black stone fortress is adorned with a dark blue metal known as darksteel, and at its top is a darksteel lightning rod drawing the unnatural lightning of the region to Talos’ Anvil. Talos’ Anvil possess a massive deep black doors made of adamantine, and depicts a battle between strange humanoid creatures. The symbol of the Lords of the Storm three lightning bolts striking the same location is unfurled on banners around Talos’ Anvil.   Talos' Anvil Is located within a half hour walk of the City of Velfauna, and is official a territory of the Free State of Velfauna.

Purpose / Function

Talos’ Anvil serves as the home to the religious and military organisation, the Lords of the Storm, and the highest temple to the deity Talos. Talos’ Anvil hosts a garrion of the Lords of the Storm, and is where the order is active from. The Anvil is also a holy site for Talos serving as a pilgrimage for the Cult of Talos, and one of the large temples within the Free State of Velfauna.


The history of Talos’ Anvil is lost to us, as is its original name. It is unknown when Talos’ Anvil was constructed, and is recorded to be in existence as early as the Age of Conquest when humans first encountered the city of Fel’Reqir, now known as Velfauna. While Fel’Reqir was of elven and gnomish construction, Talos’ Anvil however, shares none of the same architectural style of elven or gnomish construction; the same stone does however appear on the Isle of Tasidor, though again the architectural style does not seem to match.   In 1200:Conquest the Lords of the Storm occupied the Anvil and renamed it Talos’ Anvil in honor of their deity. The Lords of the Storm dominion over Talos’ Anvil lasted until the Age of Blood, when in 48:Blood the Lords of the Storm led with all its forces to confront the Avatar of Orcus and its host; the Lords of the Storm were devastated and temporarily destroyed and Talos’ Anvil left abandoned. Throughout the Age of Blood Talos’ Anvil was occupied by the Avatar of Orcus who rarely left the building.   It was only with the destruction of the Avatar of Orcus’ defeat and destruction at the Siege of Runia, but Talos’ Anvil was not restored. It was instead occupied by a series of necromancers that were capable of raising orcuspawn, later the Crystal Conflux occupied the Anvil. It was only with the breakup of the Order of the Dawn that the Lords of the Storm were reborn, and eventually reclaimed Talos’ Anvil in 12:Contempt, were it has stood as their headquarters since.
Temple / Church
Owning Organization

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