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Tempus (Tem-puss)

Tempus, also known as the Foehammer, is a deity of conflict, battle, and strength.

Where the Cult Thrives

Worship of Tempus can be found within the Yhess Kingdoms and within the Uvani Hilllands, despite his worship being outlawed in the latter. The Faithful of the Foehammer were once more widespread, but Age of Blood saw the worship of Tempus dried up within the Free States.

Tenets of the Faith

Tempus is worshipped as a deity of conflict, battle, and strength. The Foehammer is said to favour the strong and skilled at arms, those that can fight, wage war, and conquer with glorious purpose. The Foehammer is said to be a harsh deity, who in times past gave the right of kingship over the Hilllands to only the strongest and greatest Uvani. The core teaching of the faithful is that through combat the Foehammer speaks; when there is a succession crisis, domatic schism, or the need for a trial they believe the righteous thing to do is have the claimants to settle their disagreements through combat, with the Foehammer. The Cult of the Foehammer believe that combat with steel is noble and divine, and for this reason they believe that the use of arcane magic is an abomination and cowardly.


Temples dedicated to the Foehammer tend towards simplicity but there exist significant outliers with some temples ostensibly gilded with silver. The architecture favours thick walls and battlements, as well as areas where individuals may engage in combat to determine who has the favour of Tempus.


The priests and followers of the Foehammer appear more like knights and warriors than most holy men. They clad themselves in armour and pray with steel in their hands. The Cult of the Foehammer is made up of noble knights, soldiers, and guards but also brigands, brutes, and those who seek to avoid consequences and justice through violence.

Depictions of the Deity

Tempus is often depicted as a male knight in full plate armour, a painted red shield in one hand and a flaming longsword in the other.


Warmasters are a military and religious group who seek to battle dangerous individuals, factions, and creatures to prove that the Warmasters are superior. Some factions of the Warmasters believe that it is right to engage in just and combat which does not ideally end in death for either participants, while others believe it is only with the threat of death that one can give everything they have to battle. In all their forms the Warmaster pay worship to the deity Tempus

The Union of Flame

The Union of Flame is a new sect that has emerged in the Uvani Hilllands. The Union combines the teachings of the Radiant Lady with those of Tempus, who is the ancestral deity of the region. The Radiant Lady is the goddess of fire, and righteousness, while Tempus is the god of war, battle, and strength. Together, they form a powerful combination that appeals to the people of the Uvani Hilllands, who value strength, courage, and the ability to defend themselves. The followers of the Union of Flame believe that through combat, the deities speak and that the righteous thing to do is settle disputes and determine the rightful leader through combat. They view the use of arcane magic as an abomination and believe that combat with steel is noble and divine. The priests and followers of the Union of Flame tend to be warriors and knights, and the temples dedicated to the Union of Flame are usually simple but strong, with thick walls and battlements, as well as areas for combat to determine who has the favour of the deities.
Titles: The Foehammer, the Lord of Battle, the Flaming Sword   Alignment: Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Evil   Symbol: Upright flaming sword   Domains: War
Religious, Organised Religion

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